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10 Home Remedies for Anemia to Eliminate Iron Deficiency

home remedies for anemia

Anemia is a condition in which the hemoglobin level in the blood falls below normal or low hemoglobin. When there is insufficient hemoglobin, the body’s tissues receive less oxygen. People look for home remedies for anemia to cope with the situation. 

Anemia can cause fatigue and weakness, as well as a pale appearance and breathlessness. Some types of anemia induce due to nutritional deficiencies, such as not getting enough iron, vitamin B12, or folic acid in your diet. Further types of anemia can result from diseases such as leukemia.

There could be several causes for anemia, including iron deficiency, blood loss, and problems with the bone marrow. 

Further, it can also increase the risk for other health problems, such as stroke and heart attack. Anemia treatment determines the underlying issue. However, treatment may involve taking supplements or medications to increase red blood cell count in some cases. A transfusion may be essential in extreme situations.

Symptoms Of Anemia

The symptoms of anemia might be so subtle that you may miss them entirely. As your blood cell count decreases, symptoms frequently occur. Some of the iron deficiency symptoms may include the following:

Difficulties People Face With Anemia

While anemia is rarely serious in the long run, symptoms might impair your everyday quality of life. Fortunately, you can control most of these symptoms as your iron levels recover. It is critical to manage tiredness and deal with the underlying causes of anemia in general. Additionally, iron deficiency anemia can manifest through symptoms such as exhaustion that interfere with regular activities. 

Further, it can contribute to an increased risk of anxiousness and despair. 

By taking certain home remedies for anemia, you can see considerable progress in your situation. 

Best Home Remedies For anemia 

Although there are several natural anemia home treatment, choosing the most effective treatment is vital. The primary requirement for curing anemia is for the body to regenerate red blood cells, and this is possible by supplementing your regular diet with essential foods. Here are a few natural remedies for anemia that you can start immediately.


One of the best home remedies for anemia is Shilajit. The regular consumption and benefits of Shilajit supplements can gradually raise the blood iron level. Additionally, it includes fulvic acid, which aids in mineral and vitamin assimilation. Not only would it aid in absorption, but it also boosts vitamin and mineral effectiveness.


So, the next anemia home treatment includes Beetroot. Beetroot is the veggie that you can completely rely on curing your anemia. Moreover, the natural iron content of this vegetable aids in boosting the hemoglobin levels in the blood. As a result, the blood oxygen level steadily increases with continued intake.

Beetroot may be eaten cooked or raw in salads. Furthermore, you may mash and liquefy this amazing vegetable in addition to making beetroot juice.

Citrus Fruits

Vitamin C supplementation demonstrates enhancing the health of people diagnosed with acute anemia. Additionally, this can be the best home remedies for anemia. Vitamin C plays a role in enhancing the immune system and enables the body to assimilate iron more readily.

As a result, make it a practice to consume natural sources of Vitamin C daily, whether they be oranges, lemons, sweet limes, or lemons. So, you can consider this amongst the natural remedies for anemia. 

Sesame Seeds

Sesame seeds are an excellent source of iron, zinc, copper, selenium, folate, vitamin B6, and vitamin E. Additionally, frequent black sesame seeds consumption can supplement low hemoglobin levels and facilitate iron absorption.


Spinach is a nutritious leafy vegetable. Increase your iron intake by including spinach in your eating routine. It’s one of the more efficient home remedies for anemia. Spinach is extremely iron-dense. Additionally, it contains vitamin B12, folic, and other energy-boosting minerals that aid anemia recovery.


Pomegranate is quite beneficial in treating anemia, and it is an excellent source of iron and minerals such as calcium and magnesium. It contains vitamin C, which aids in the absorption of iron, increasing the number of red blood cells and hemoglobin. 


The next home remedies for anemia include bananas. It provides critical nutrients such as vitamin C, potassium, folate, and iron – all of which your body requires to build red blood cells and maintain a healthy hemoglobin count.

Figs and Raisins

The next anemia home treatment includes figs, raisins, and dates. Raisins and dates are excellent sources of Iron and vitamin C. Vitamin C aids in the strengthening of the immune system, allowing your body to absorb iron more easily. Having a handful of soaking figs, raisins, and dates in the morning for at least three weeks can help boost your hemoglobin levels.


Dates are incredible home remedies for anemia that are quite helpful at boosting levels. They are exceptionally high in vitamin C, that helps body  to absorb iron. So, these are the best natural remedies for anemia. 


Apples are loaded with health advantages, and it is a nutrient-dense food that contains iron and many other vitamins. Apples are incredibly beneficial in the treatment of anemia. Hence, apples are excellent home remedies for anemia. 

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Bottom Line

Now that you are aware of the home remedies for anemia, it is time to create a balanced eating plan to aid in the anemia treatment. Ensure to consult a doctor for treating your condition correctly.

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