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How to Deal with Common Trigger Points of Migraine?

How to Deal with Common Trigger Points of Migraine?

How to Deal with Common Trigger Points of Migraine?

Migraine is a chronic illness that occurs in one out of seven people. It is not just a simple headache but an extremely complex condition that can affect the entire nervous system. Physical exertion, lights, sounds, or smells are all likely to aggravate your Migraine. It could linger for several hours or even days. According to medical experts, Migraine is the world’s sixth most debilitating disease. If you start experiencing the symptoms, you should get in touch with the best neurologist in Mumbai.

A migraine can occur anytime. Once a year or maybe just once a week. The most typical migraine frequency is two to four times per month. Migraines typically have four stages:

The Prodrome stage is the pre-headache stage. It can last for some hours to days too.

Aura lasts for only around 60 minutes. An aura acts as a warning for the upcoming migraine. It includes sensory and motor symptoms.

This headache might be mild pain, but it can linger from four hours to 3 days.

Known as the Migraine hangover, it lasts for a day or two.

What are Migraine triggers, and how to deal with them?

Triggers are like a switch. If you come across a migraine trigger, your cerebrum will be affected with immense pain and would worsen if already present. To get rid of severe migraines, you should visit the best neurologist in Mumbai, and your doctors will guide you.

Even though Migraine triggers differ from person to person, some common situations affect everyone. 

When the human brain encounters any stressful event, our brain releases certain chemicals that help our body cope with the situation. This process is known as the ‘flight’ or ‘fight’ response and is capable of triggering your Migraine. Anxiety, stress, and excitement are also capable of triggering migraines. To avoid such triggers, daily meditation, a good workout, and relaxing therapy are some of the useful options.

Caffeine works differently for everyone. For some people, caffeine makes them feel better during migraines. Whereas for others, caffeine acts like a migraine trigger. However, if caffeine acts like a migraine trigger for you, you should limit your caffeine consumption.

When the temperature is too high or too low, it will easily trigger your Migraine. Since we cannot control the weather, one should stay inside their houses if it is not favourable for them.

Foods that contain MSG and Histamine are capable of triggering your Migraine. Avoid dairy products since they trigger your Migraine too.

Some scents can activate the nerve receptors in the nasal passages, triggering a migraine attack or exacerbating an existing one. Try to note down the smells which trigger your Migraine and avoid them.

Natural light, intense light, and fluorescent or flickering bulbs make it difficult for some migraine patients. For this, one should try to cover up their eyes with sunglasses. Try to avoid flickering lights and stay in the shade.

If you are already experiencing migraine attacks, then overuse of medication will worsen the pain. This phenomenon is known as Medication Overuse Headache (MOH). If you are experiencing MOH, then it’s advisable to contact your doctor.


If you maintain all your schedules, you will get rid of the exhausting pain in your head. You can always contact a neurologist in Mumbai and seek them for further steps to lead a healthy life.

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